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5 Types of Decision Makers at Work: Which One Are You?

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As we know, in every company or even our life, there is a decision maker to choose or decide something for the best way. If explained in detail, decision-makers are the people who make decisions that affect the company or organization. They have the authority to make decisions that will impact the company’s bottom line & its surrounding them.

In the business area, a decision-maker is an employee, usually, in leadership, decision-makers are often high-level executives but can also be middle managers, who make challenging decisions that impact how the company operates. Making decisions It’s about concentrating on the most significant decisions, isn’t about speed or being right, clever, or sneaky – it’s about gathering all of the information, modeling all of the possible impacts, and choosing the most viable action for the company.

It is essential for every company to have a decision-maker, usually, it aims to maintain the company running effectively and make judgments that will allow it to develop. Decision makers must be able to weigh the pros and cons of each decision and make the best decision for the company. Responsible for communicating their decisions to other members of the organization and must be able to work with other departments within the company to ensure that their decisions are implemented correctly.

There are various types of decision-makers depending on the industry, company, and role they're working in. These may include:

1. Brand-centric

A brand-centric decision-maker is someone who makes decisions based on what is best for the company’s brand. This type focuses heavily on their company's brand and how they can improve it. Brand-centric decision-makers consider how their decisions impact consumers, as well as the way customers, view the business and logo.

2. Multifocal

Multifocal, strategic decision-makers aim to focus on multiple outcomes and goals when making important business decisions. Multifocal decision-makers utilize trial-and-error methods for testing new ideas that may benefit their firm. They’re willing to learn about new abilities, revenue streams, and business models that might increase the efficiency of the organization.

3. Aggregator

Aggregators usually build their decisions around financial growth and change. They utilize data to make informed decisions that improve the company’s bottom line. Aggregator decision-makers consider many factors when making a decision, but their ultimate goal is to increase profits.

4. The Democratic decision-maker

The democratic decision-maker is the one who allows others to have a say in the decision-making process. They like to take their time in evaluating all options. They might be trying new, untested methods, and care about other people's thoughts. This type of decision-maker is often seen as a good listener. They usually have good communication skills and might come across as cooperative.

5. Deep Thinker

A deep thinker decision-maker is someone who makes decisions based on logic and reason. This type of decision-maker takes their time to consider all options before making a choice. They utilize data and information to help them make informed decisions. They like to do a lot of research into possible solutions and they tend to consider all possible outcomes of trying new processes. They can be thorough in their evaluations and detail-oriented.


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